Student Fundraisers
Books, Brushes & Bands for Education offers fundraising opportunities throughout the year to help students raise funds for their tuition in addition to scholarships and assistance.
Popcorn Fundraisers - Fall and Spring
Families will have one week to sell as much popcorn as they can online. 50% of the profit goes directly to tuition accounts.
Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser - Winter
You are invited to join Books, Brushes & Band For Education for a Flapjack Fundraiser event! Simply contact the event organizer to purchase your tickets and come to the Applebee’s on the event date listed below for a delicious pancake breakfast that consists of 3 pancakes (all-you-can-eat!), 2 slices of bacon & your choice of beverage (coffee, soda, tea, orange juice or milk). Now that’s what we call short stacks for a TALL cause!
We are currently open to suggestions for fundraising ideas. If you have an idea, please contact Celena at