Ways to Give
We rely on support from our community to make our mission possible.
Your gift to Books, Brushes & Bands for Education enables us to continue being Northwest Indiana’s home for student music, visual, and literary art programs.
Every gift makes an impact. Learn about the many ways to give to Books, Brushes & Bands for Education.
Donate Now
You can provide students access to high-quality community arts programs today.
Donate Monthly
Become a monthly donor and know that you are making a difference all year long.
Annual Sponsorships
Support our programs while promoting your business through our sponsorship opportunities.
Donate By Mail
Learn more about how you can make your gift through the mail or over the phone.
Play It Forward
Donate your gently used (or new) instruments and instrument supplies to students in need.
Personal Fundraiser
Create a personalized fundraiser to celebrate a birthday or other milestone and support BBB4E.
Planned Giving
Your planned gift can preserve our mission of providing access to high-quality community arts programs.
Walmart Spark Good
Add BBB4E as your charity of choice. We’ll earn a percentage of your purchase.
Donor Advised Funds
DAF allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, & more.